Whether the stone is of kidney or gallbladder, it will disappear in just one week and will not come back again if you adopt these home remedies- - - -


No matter how old the stone is, these 2 special remedies will dissolve it and remove it in just 1 week

Bhopal: In today's fast-paced life, due to deteriorating food habits and polluted water of the city, many people are facing the problem of fatal diseases like kidney stones. On one hand, its treatment is very expensive, which is only available in homeopathy or Ayurveda. Its treatment takes a long time, and abstinence from food and drink weakens the patient even more. At the same time, in allopathy, there is only one solution for this and that is that the patient has to undergo surgery. It also has many side effects. Which stay with the person throughout his life and there is no guarantee that this problem will not occur again.

Seeing all these complications, many people are afraid to get this problem treated. When a person has kidney stones, the pain can only be imagined by the sufferer. But, if it is not treated on time, the pain increases day by day. In the end, it also causes the kidneys to expand. Everyone knows how important kidneys are in the human body, if a person's one kidney gets damaged, then his life is no less than a disability.

Medical advice

Dr. Nazim Ali, a homeopath in the capital Bhopal, said that the biggest reason for kidney stones is our food habits. He said that the water in Bhopal contains calcium and hardness in large quantities, which is a major reason for kidney stones in people here. He advised that if possible, people living in the city should install a water purifier in their homes or boil the water used for drinking and eating before using it.

That's why today we will tell you some remedies to get relief from a serious disease like kidney stones. By trying them you can get rid of this serious problem. So let's know about those remedies…

Let us tell you that there can be mainly four types of stones in our body, such as

-Cystine stones- due to genetic reasons.

-Straw white stones- due to urinary infection.

-Calcium stones- this is the most common.

-Uric acid stones- this is caused by drinking less or contaminated water.

These are those three special measures

-First solution

To get rid of the problem of stones, you will need a glass of water and two onions. Take onions and water in a vessel and cook them well. When the onion extract is completely dissolved in the water, take it off the gas. When it cools down, grind it in a mixer. After this, filter its juice in a glass through a cloth. Consume it daily after waking up in the morning and before sleeping. Continue this process for three days, the results will be in front of you.

-Second solution

Dry the papaya root and make its powder. Now mix 6 grams of this powder in half a glass of water and mix it well. Now filter this water with the help of a cloth and consume it. If this remedy is done for 15 to 20 days, the stone will start dissolving and will pass through urine.