
Death Facts: Only these 3 words come out of a person's mouth when death is near; American nurse reveals!

Only these 3 words come out of a person's mouth when death is near; American nurse reveals!
death, facts, tips

Whoever comes to this earth, his death is certain. But no one can say when, how and where. No one knows when, how and to whom death will come. But the question is what happens when death is near or before death? A nurse has told what signs we get before death.


Nurse Julie, who works in a hospital in Los Angeles, America, has shared many stories related to death on her social media account. One of them is the last words before death. Julie has closely witnessed the death of many patients. She has told what words people say at the last moment.

What do you see before death?

As Julie said, when death approaches, people remember only a few things. Dying people see their loved ones and remember the good times. Most people see the souls of their dead loved ones, some people even see angels. They say that they are seeing the spirits of the dead and returning to them.

What happens before death?
The breathing pattern of a person nearing death starts changing. The color of his skin also starts changing. These symptoms appear a few hours before death.

Last 3 words before death
It is said that a person always speaks the truth while dying. But the last words of most of them are the same. They say I love you or I love you very much. After calling their parents, they leave the world.

Julie had earlier also told about the events that happened before her death. She mentioned four incidents that happened before her death.

Julie said in the YouTube video that a person nearing death often sees or talks to his dead loved one a few weeks before death.

Terminal acidosis
Julie told that 30 percent of all our patients have terminal acidosis. It is a small burst of energy before a person's death. If a person is very sick, he has bursts of energy for a few days and then he dies. No one knows why this happens to some patients. However, Julie considers it a common mystical phenomenon.

Reaching death

Before death, the person feels as if he has reached the peak before death and is looking at someone, holding someone, or hugging someone.

Stairs of death

Julie says in her video that sometimes when a person is dying, his eyes are fixed on a corner or part of the room. It seems as if he is staring. Sometimes in such a situation, people are smiling while talking to the person standing near them, but their eyes are staring at the same thing. 'Staring death' is completely normal. This shows that the patient is comfortable and happy.