
Death: Yamraj sends these 4 signs to humans before death, then the date of death is decided

Yamraj sends these 4 signs to humans before death, then the date of death is decided
yamraj, 4, signs

Whoever is born, his death is also certain. But man behaves as if he will never die. He is so entangled in greed and attachment that he does not even know when his time of death comes. Yamraj also sends 4 signs to every human before death. Wise people understand that sign and improve their afterlife, while some people ignore it. There is a story related to which 4 signs Yamraj sends before death, which is as follows...


How does Yamraj give signs before death...

- Once upon a time, a person named Amrit used to live on the banks of Yamuna. He used to worship Yam Devta day and night because he was often afraid of his death.

- One day Yamraj appeared before him happily and asked him to ask for a boon. Amrit asked Yamraj for the boon of immortality. Yamraj explained to him that whoever is born has to die.

- Hearing this from Yamraj, Amrit told him that if death cannot be avoided, then at least when death is very close to me, I should know so that I can make some arrangements for my family.

- After this, Yamraj promised to give Amrit a prior notice of death. In return, Yam asked Amrit to also promise that as soon as he gets the sign of death, he will start preparing to leave the world.

- After saying this, Yamraj disappeared. Years passed like this and Amrit, reassured by Yam's promise, left all sadhna and started living a luxurious life. Now he did not worry about death at all.

- Slowly Amrit's hair started turning white. After a few years, all his teeth broke, then his eyesight also became weak. Still, till now he did not get any sign of Yamraj.

- Similarly, some more years passed and now he was unable to even get up from the bed, his body reached a state of paralysis. But he thanked Yam in his mind for not sending any signal of death.

- One day he was surprised when he saw Yamdoots near him. Yamdoots took him to Yamraj. Then Amrit told Yamraj that you did not give me any signal before death.

- Then Yamraj told him that- I had sent you 4 messages, but your greed and luxurious lifestyle had made you blind.

- When your hair had turned white that was the first signal. When all your teeth broke, that was my second signal. The third signal was when you lost your vision and the fourth message was

- When all the organs of your body stopped working. But you could not understand any of these signals.