Health Risk: Heart attack and stroke cause the most deaths, these things are most important for prevention
Heart disease and the health problems caused by it are a cause of concern globally. Heart attack causes the death of millions of people every year. People under the age of 30 are at increased risk of heart attack and death due to it. According to the report of the American Heart Association, heart disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Along with this, a large number of people are also dying due to stroke.
Health experts say, whether it is heart attack or stroke, both these problems increasing globally are rapidly making young people their victims. High blood pressure is considered to be the main factor for both these problems. To avoid this serious problem in future, to stay safe from it, it is most important to keep blood pressure under control.
Are you also a victim of high blood pressure?
Heart attack and death cases
If we look at the statistics, it is known that more than 8.05 lakh people suffer a heart attack every year in the US. In the year 2021, more than 20 million people died due to heart attack. This figure is increasing year after year. Like heart attack, the increasing cases of stroke have also been a cause of concern for health experts. Data show that more than 6 million people are dying due to stroke every year. This problem is also a major cause of disability globally.
Health experts say that if blood pressure is controlled, then the risks of heart attack and stroke can be avoided to a great extent.
Why is high blood pressure so dangerous?
High blood pressure (hypertension) is considered dangerous for you in many cases. If your blood pressure is often high, then over time it can cause a heart attack by damaging the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Damage to the arteries reduces blood flow to the heart, which can cause a heart attack.
Hypertension can cause stroke by damaging blood vessels and increasing the risk of blood clots. It also starts damaging the vessels of the brain, which can lead to brain stroke.
Keep blood pressure under control
Health experts say that everyone should keep checking blood pressure at regular intervals. People who have someone in their family already having high BP problem should be even more careful. Blood pressure can be kept under control by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet. Excessive consumption of salty foods is considered to increase blood pressure, reduce the amount of salt in your diet.
Take these measures to control blood pressure
By following some simple measures, you can prevent blood pressure from increasing.
Eat nutritious food like lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat foods.
Reduce the amount of salt (sodium) in the diet. Packed foods, chips, namkeen contain excess salt.
Eat foods that are high in potassium. These are considered helpful in controlling blood pressure.
Exercising regularly helps keep your heart and blood vessels healthy.