
Health tips: The body gives these signals 1 day before the brain vein bursts, if ignored, it leads to an attack

The body gives these signals 1 day before the brain vein bursts, if ignored, it leads to an attack
health, tips, signals

When a brain vein gets blocked, a brain stroke occurs. This is a life-threatening condition, in which death can occur if timely treatment is not received. But do you know about mini brain stroke? Which can appear much before a major attack. Its symptoms are mild, which can prevent a major attack by recognizing them on time. It is also called mini brain stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA).


When does a small brain attack occur?

Like a brain stroke, a small attack also occurs due to a brain vein getting blocked. According to the NHS (ref.), due to this the brain stops getting oxygen. But this damage is not permanent and heals on its own within 24 hours. But its symptoms should not be taken lightly and a doctor should be consulted.

How to avoid paralysis or stroke?

Sudden confusion

Sudden difficulty in speaking

Sudden difficulty in seeing

Sudden loss of balance

Sudden difficulty in walking


Unexplained sharp and severe headache

Difficulty in swallowing

Facial muscles collapse

Symptoms disappear within 24 hours

Blood clots in the veins cause mini stroke. Due to which blood is unable to circulate freely. But these blood clots are small and temporary and dissolve back in a short while. But this condition should not be ignored and a doctor should be consulted.

The ways to avoid mini stroke or brain stroke (How to Prevent Brain Stroke) are the same.

Stop smoking and alcohol consumption.

Eat fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Keep body weight under control.

Exercise regularly.

Reduce fat intake.

Keep taking medicines for diseases like type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high BP.

Diet to prevent stroke
To avoid brain stroke, one should take a low fat, low salt and high fiber diet. For which you can eat these foods (Foods To Prevent Stroke).

Chia Seeds
Sweet Potato
Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always contact your doctor for more information.