
News: Village named after physical relationship, villagers upset; if you tell anyone, they turn red with shame...

Village named after physical relationship, villagers upset; if you tell anyone, they turn red with shame...
village, relationship, physical

Village named after physical relationship, villagers upset; if you tell anyone, they turn red with shame


'What's in a name?' You must have heard this saying many times. But if the name is such that one is ashamed to even speak it, then it is better to change that name. Now take this strange problem of a Swedish village. Here, the people of a village feel very embarrassed about the name of their village. They feel ashamed to tell the name of their village to anyone. Because its name matches with something obscene.

One feels ashamed to speak the name of the village
The village we are talking about here is Fucke village of Sweden. The first four letters of this village are similar to an English abuse. If translated into Hindi, the meaning is similar to having a physical relationship. The villagers say that they have a lot of problem with this name. They cannot even write the name of their village on social media. Social media censorship does not allow them to write this name.

Campaign launched to change the name

Upset by the name of their village, the residents here have launched a campaign. They have demanded to change the name of their village to Dalsro (quiet valley). However, whether the name of the village will be changed or not will be decided by the National Land Survey Department. Earlier, this department had rejected the demand to change the name of Fjuckby village. The department said that this is a historical name, so it cannot be changed. The name Fucke was also given decades ago. This is also a historical name. In such a situation, there are high chances that the department may not change the name of this village.

Facebook also rejects the name

A local villager living here expressed his pain to a local TV channel. He said that we feel very ashamed of this name. Social media censorship also finds these names objectionable or obscene. Facebook Algorithms remove the name of our village. In such a situation, we are not able to post any advertisement related to our village on it.

Now the National Land Trust can take a decision on this matter in consultation with Sweden's National Heritage Board and the Language and Folklore Institute. Let us tell you that only 11 families live in Fucke village.

By the way, have you ever had to face embarrassment due to a strange name?