Storytime: Once an elephant's corpse was floating in a river. A crow saw the corpse and was delighted. He immediately sat on it. He ate enough of its flesh and drank the river water.
Once an elephant's corpse was floating in a river.
A crow saw the corpse and was delighted. He immediately sat on it. He ate enough of its flesh and drank the river water.
The crow belched with satisfaction as it hopped here and there on the corpse.
He started thinking, 'Ah! This is a very beautiful vehicle, there is no dearth of food and water here. Then why should I leave this and wander elsewhere?'
The crow kept roaming on the corpse floating in the river for many days.
When he felt hungry, he would scratch the corpse and eat it, when he felt thirsty, he would drink the river water.
The vast water, its fast flow, the beautiful views of nature spread far and wide on the banks - he kept getting enthralled by seeing these.
The river finally met the ocean one day.
She was happy that she had reached her destination.
Meeting the ocean was her ultimate goal, but that day the aimless crow met with a terrible fate.
The four days of enjoyment had brought it to a place where there was no food, no drinking water and no shelter for it. All around, endless salty water was rippling.
The crow, tired and hungry and thirsty, kept flapping its wings in all directions for a few days, kept spreading false pride with its shallow and zigzag flights, but it could not see the end of the ocean anywhere. Finally, tired and sad, it fell into the same sky-high waves of the ocean. A huge crocodile swallowed it.
The fate of people involved in physical pleasures is also like that of the crow, who consider food and shelter as the ultimate destination and finally merge into the ocean of the endless world.
For whom is victory, for whom is defeat
For whom is this lifelong conflict..
Whoever has come will go one day
Then for whom is this much ego - think about it.
There is a small formula of meditation:
So much peace within you,
That not even a wave of thought arises.
Such silence that there are no waves;
Such a void, where only you are there and nothing else.
Where there is not even the feeling that I exist. At that very moment this whole universe
pounces upon you like God.