
Sun sign Monthly Reading for Jan 2025


What does the New Year bring you? Is it bringing in a new beginning or a celebration, or passing on from troubled times and moving on to somewhere safe and new. All of this and so much more says the January reading through Tarot Reading.

Go ahead and read up on what your Sun Signs have to say:-

♈️ Aries (March 21 - April 19)

The Tower + Evil Queen

There will be an inevitable sudden change so prepare to be dismantled and leveled up to start again fresh. 

Whatever you have been up to hasn’t been on solid foundation and perhaps with the New Year it is advisable to start building up again from scratch. 

But the advice comes that this time make the foundation strong, after all we learn better from our mistakes and we come stronger. 

This very strong message has come specially for you which days that someone in your life is mistreating you. You keep trying to see good things in them, but they just keep disappointing you again and again. 

Truth is, some people don’t deserve second chances…. As difficult as it may be , this is your sign that you need to cut them loose… unfollow them and block their number. It’s time to move on. Do whatever it takes to find some inner peace, for it’s just as precious as gold and a new start is what is around the corner after such a massive destruction. 

This is seemingly a difficult time in all areas so buckle down and use the conservative attitude till this period wards off. 

Taurus ♉️ (April 20 - May 20)

The Hierophant 

This January suggests life altering decisions and changes which may require you to turn towards the other of spirituality and religion and take on that mentor or guidance in deep learning phase and nurturing core values.

♥️Love and Relationship-

This talks about deep commitment, being on the same page and a meant to be relationship which is a long time kind of relationship. 

If you’re Single then a friend from your inner circle has an eye for you probably the same one that you were also interested in, maybe a romance 💕 on the cards.

If this is a new relationship then making them aware about your traditions would be a good idea. 

🏥Health -

Take help from a Health care professional if you are unwell as things might go out of hand if you are trying to handle things on your own.

🧳Career -

New things seem to be on the way like a promotion, or moving to another department or changing company. You might get your mentor in the process who will guide you on the company traditions and ways which will ease the flow of work.

Money wise use a conservative approach and spend wisely only where it’s needed in this month. 

Gemini ♊️ (May 21 - June 21)

4 of wands

This New Year brings in a new phase of your life where you are connecting with others, through a celebration, a reunion or return back home and building positive vibes. 

If you are planning a wedding or a get together then it will be a success and an event to remember so plan accordingly. 

You  are in a great shape for an adventure so be confident as you are on the right path. 

🧳Career -

An unexpected reward or promotion or windfall is coming your way. The level up is on the cards so make sure you are building up on connections as a big contract, new job or money bonus which will uplevel your financial status. 

♥️Love and Relationships- 

An engagement, romantic union or anniversary and celebrations are in order as you are in a happy and healthy relationship with Stability, passion and security and so is the time for next level. 

For Singles , you’ll feel comfortable being with yourself , however it might be that someone from your past may come in your life again.

🏥Health - 

It’s a promise of good health and vitality so if you’re suffering from being unwell then this is a signal that all will be well again. 

You may become pregnant if you’ve been wanting to.

This is also a group card which advises you to join a group which can facilitate your exercises or healing health. 

♋️ Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

10 of Swords + Storm

‼️Just when you thought things were taking a turn for the better, in came a hurricane of hurt. 

This month may bring in betrayal and backstabbing for you or hitting rock bottom and experiencing failure. Someone close to you has been or will be dishonest so take this warning for an indication that the person may not be as they seem. But the good news is that this is only temporary and you will have the strength to ward off the storm. You are a true Cancerian and therefore have the strong willpower to come out of this situation and walk towards positivity.

Whether in career, love, relationships or health which indicates mental turmoil, you do need to come out of the situation. 

Advice- Even when you find yourself utterly exhausted from trying to survive it all, rest assured that the clouds are parting and the sun is finally here. Like the clouds, let go of the past or present pain in order to make room for something better. 

♌️ Leo (July 23 - August 22)

6 of Swords + Clover

🍀 This comes as an Indication that you have overcome the obstacles and progress ahead, so the challenging phase is now ended and now you will proceed towards peace and recuperation so let go of the negativity and move ahead with healing and relief and gratitude. 

🍀Advice - Make sure you release the past baggage and then move ahead as the burden of guilt will negatively impact all facets of your life so make your reparations and release yourself from the cage that you have built around yourself to go ahead stress free.

🧳Career and Finances - 

You will soon be free of any conflicts at work and you will emerge out as being happier at your workplace.

If you’d been wanting to leave this job, then you may take a leap of faith and walk ahead for better opportunities and prospects.

♥️Love and Relationship-

Turbulence in the relationship is now at an end and making you heave a sigh of relief.

For Singles this might indicate you moving ahead from past relationships to someone new. Remember you deserve to be happy and feel Loved so don’t feel guilty and avoid any past relationships hinder bringing in joy. 

🏥Health - 

You have overcome an illness or a bout of being unwell and even if you are feeling low, rest assured you will regain back your strength in good time. 

♍️ Virgo (August 23 - September 22) 

The Chariot

This comes this month for you as a sign of encouragement, to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals, through determination, focus and willpower. This will make you feel motivated, ambitious and in control and so in turn get a stagnant situation moving again.

This might indicate travel for some which will be fruitful even though might mean travel due to work. 

Advice - for you is “action” which is what will get you good results. The Universe seems to be on your side, just make the effort to act with focus and determination and your goals shall be achieved.

♥️Whether it is Career, love or health, you can achieve your goals through your passionate pursuit and action. 

This also means that for his you might need to compete with others to get your work done as your strength and confidence are tested and you are pulled in opposite directions. 

🍀Advice - Make sure you persevere with full focus and dedication and put in your actions to achieve success.

♎️ Libra (September 23 - October 23)

5 of Wands + Sword

⚔️ This does come to show that there are going to be some disagreements and discord in play but it necessarily doesn’t mean that the outcome will also be bad. If you hold your ground and face the challenges with grace then you might emerge as a winner. 

This talks about healthy competition and pushes everyone involved to improve the key being to stay till the end.

♥️Love and Relationship-

This predicts trouble finding your love and a fight between prospects for the same potential partner. Be your original self and fighting it out necessarily win things, in the end you will win the person with your goodness.

In relationships this is an indication of an external person outside the relationship causing trouble inside your relationship . May indicate jealousy and insecurities.

🧳Career and Finances- 

This may indicate workplace riff raffs which may be amongst co workers or with your boss.

Advice - Make sure you present yourself confidently and don’t hesitate, your success lies on your confidence.

Finances may be a little tight but the problems won’t last forever. Focus your energies on building up rather than what state you are in currently. 

🏥Health - 

This indicates to not take too much on your plate and take time off to relax if things become too hectic for you.

What is the point to create a high blood pressure situation for yourself when you know that by loosening things a bit you can manage better when your health is at a good state.

Advice out of the blue -If there is a big change you are thinking of making for a while now, this is a sign that you need to trust your instincts and take a leap but with confidence.

Scorpio ♏️ (October 24 - November 21)

Ace of Pentacles 

This New Year brings in good fortune and new beginnings for you which will result in overall prosperity and new opportunities in every area of your life.

🧳Career and Finances-

This gives you a go ahead to work on any plans that you might have made and we’re thinking on. This talks about financial opportunities, which may arise in the form of business opportunities, new career or job, investment or even an inheritance which might suddenly pop up out of nowhere. 

You just have to reach out to receive it. 

♥️Love and Relationship-

May represent a fresh start with a personal who will bring in financial stability. 

May indicate a next level in relationships or a combined venture that the two of you might start. All in all a good omen. 

🏥Health -

Better mental and physical well being is indicated, provided you start taking steps and action immediately, like meditating and exercising everyday.

Sagittarius ♐️ (November 22 - December 21)

The Hanged Man

This comes to suggest to just suspend all life’s pursuits. It talks about viewing things from a different perspective and reassess your situation. 

♥️Love and Relationships-

If you’ve been in a toxic relationship then it’s time to get rid of the toxicity from your life and concentrate on only the peace and joy, but if you aren’t able to take the decision then this is not the time for action but do some soul searching on this to come up with an answer. And when you have the answers let go of the past and move down a different path.

🧳Career -

This comes to tell you that things may not be going your way and going a bit slow both in business or finances where also the ground might be shaky, but consistency seems to be the key as things will eventually start to turn if you keep putting consistent efforts.

Do not take any rash decisions, this is not the time to act but to stall.

🏥Health -

This comes when you need to keep a close watch on your health and seek for medical advice if you come across something amiss. 

Capricorn ♑️ (December 22 - January 19)

3 of Cups

This is a forecast for good times to come and a cause for celebration. It’s basically about spending quality time with who you live and appreciate in your life. It could be a gathering for birthday, engagement, wedding or reunion .

A time when the creativity is at its peak so any collaboration that you make and come together to create would work beautifully. 

🧳Career and Finances -

There is success showing for you in January with a promotion, a big contract, huge sales or appraisal with benefits, could be anything.

Your hard work will pay off and there will be positivity all around you, so be proud of your work and enjoy your success.

Financially you will be acknowledged specifically where there is a collaborative effort and so a reason to celebrate.

Do not go overboard in spending.

♥️Love and Relationship-

This predicts an engagement or a wedding and a relationship which goes to the next level and your doubts with regards to the relationship will get cleared.

Connect to those who uplift you and celebrate your accomplishments. 

If you are single, then someone from your past may come back in your life which will lead to a lot of happiness and laughter. 

🏥Health - 

If you’ve been struggling with health problems, it’s time now to get your health and vitality back as this comes as a good omen and so is a cause to celebrate back in health. 

Aquarius ♒️ (January 20 - February 18) -

4 of cups + Garden

This comes to wake you up from a feeling of stagnancy and simply not being happy about anything. You just seem to be ungrateful for everything, dwelling on your pain. 

Whether you are ready or not, it’s time for the next chapter of your life. Do the thing that you most need to do for your healing while being grateful for what is there with you. Focus on yourself to come out of this phase, so that you don’t miss out on the opportunities coming towards you.

🧳Career and Finances -

You seem to be unsatisfied with the job that you are doing and your being ungrateful will make you miss the opportunities that might be coming your way. So keep a positive attitude and channel your energy to do your job better to get that promotion if you put in efforts.

♥️Love and Relationship -

You have been finding too many faults in your relationship which has resulted in disharmony. If you really want this relationship to work then count your blessings, be grateful and love daily and find reasons to celebrate each other.

If you are single, then you will find your partner only if you don’t miss out an opening and be too involved thinking it is not happening. Be confident and your calmness will bring back a partner also who is calm and secure.

🏥Health - 

If you are feeling low with any physical or emotional issues then it can be resolved with gratitude and focusing on how things can get better and how you are better placed than so many others who are suffering from severe issues.

♓️Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Page of Pentacles 

This comes to suggest that you have all that it takes to manifest your desires and create success for yourself, if you keep yourself grounded and focused to achieve what you want. Be practical and common sense will lead you to a solution that works. 

🧳Career and Finance -

Focus on your desire and match action with your vision. Find out what works to get the financial security that you are aiming for. Stick to your commitments to go high in the ranks. If you are trustworthy you will achieve success

♥️Love and Relationship-

For Singles, Someone who is loyal and supportive will come into your life and bring in strength and support.

In relationships also this does represent loyalty and support and respect, but the advice comes that to bring the spark in your relationship it will take an added effort. 

🏥Health -

This is a good time to nurture yourself with self care and personal growth and if the emotions are going wayward then work on them before it goes on the wrong track. It’s the time to give yourself a priority over other matters. 

About the Author - 

🍀 These Tarot Readings come from the deck of Ms. Rudrakshi Rathour who is a vibrant Tarot Reader, Healer and a Holistic Development Life Coach.

🍀This Guidance comes well in advance to prepare you for the different ways you can handle the situations which may arise for you in the month of January in the near future for the year 2025.

🍀Working on your self is very important to lead a fulfilling and happy life and being aware is the first step. 

🍀The second step is to modify wherever required to reach your optimal level and healing from within helps you in levelling up your game. 

🍀I sincerely hope this resonates with you as it’s a collective reading and for more specific readings you can book a personal reading session with me. 

🍀Helping you to navigate through your ever changing life journeys with a lot of interest and pleasure in deciphering your life for yourself.

For personalized readings, follow her on Instagram.