
Tea making tips: If you are continuously making tea by grinding ginger in the cold, then be careful, otherwise your heartbeat will suddenly stop!

If you are continuously making tea by grinding ginger in the cold, then be careful, otherwise your heartbeat will suddenly stop!
tea, ginger, grind

Ginger is beneficial for health, but it is said that addiction to anything is always harmful. Similarly, if you repeatedly grind ginger and add it to tea and drink it, then it is very harmful for the whole health. Due to this, you may complain of stomach and chest burning, diarrhea, gas and stomach pain. According to a research of the year 2019, the side effects of ginger can be seen on your body. Drinking too much ginger tea causes heartburn due to acid reflux, which causes burning in the lower part of the chest. One should not eat more than 1 gram of salt in the whole day.


Drinking ginger tea or adding ginger to food causes these problems in the body

Ginger gives heat to the body, but its excessive consumption can cause problems like heartburn, acid formation, gas and constipation. However, if you consume it in small quantities after eating, it can reduce the problem of flatulence.

Affects blood clotting
Ginger has properties that can thin the blood. However, excessive consumption of it can affect blood clotting. Excessive consumption of it can increase the problems of those who are taking blood thinning medicines.

Blood sugar level may decrease
Adding too much ginger to food can interfere with insulin levels. This can cause sudden drop in blood sugar level.

Mouth ulcers
If you consume too much ginger, then this problem can bother you. Therefore, consume ginger in limited quantity as much as possible.