Alert: This small mistake of yours can increase problems from eyes to kidneys, be careful in time
- byAdmin
- 06 Feb, 2025

If you want to keep the body healthy, then along with maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet, it is important to pay serious attention to some conditions. Health experts say that the way diabetes and blood pressure problems are being seen in young people, it is quite worrying. Efforts are necessary to keep both of these under control. In this article, we will learn about the health problems caused by increasing sugar levels.
Diabetes is one of the fastest growing health problems worldwide. If we look at the data, according to an estimate, the number of people suffering from diabetes in India in the year 2024 was 212 million (more than 21 crores), which is about 26% of the total patients in the world. This disease of increased blood sugar can affect your body in many ways.
It can have a serious effect on everything from kidneys to eyes and your immunity.
High blood sugar can have many disadvantages
Health experts say, diabetes, apart from being a serious health problem, can also cause serious damage to many other organs of the body. The problem of abnormally high blood sugar is known as hyperglycemia. People who are its victims may have many problems like infectious diseases, kidney disease, blurred vision.
Doctors say, if you have diabetes, do not make the mistake of ignoring it. Keep checking it from time to time. The mistake of ignoring high blood sugar can cause life-threatening diseases for you.
Kidney and eye problems
The problem of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) starts damaging the blood vessels of the eyes, due to which you may have the problem of blurred vision. Not only this, if your sugar is often high, then it can even lead to vision loss. Problems caused to the eyes due to diabetes are called diabetic retinopathy.
Similarly, high blood sugar level also starts damaging the kidneys, which can lead to chronic kidney disease. High sugar starts damaging the blood vessels of the kidney, there is a risk of it getting damaged.
Wounds take more time to heal
The problem of wounds not healing on time is most common in diabetic patients, complications can be even more in the case of hyperglycemia. According to health experts, hyperglycemia also affects the immune system, due to which the body's response to heal wounds slows down. When the blood sugar condition increases too much, wounds can sometimes take months to heal.
Risk of infection increases
Due to the condition of hyperglycemia, the risk of infection in patients becomes much higher than other people. Such patients are at a higher risk of urinary infection which can cause serious kidney problems. Infections caused by hyperglycemia can result in a stress response in the body due to which cortisol and adrenaline hormone secretion increases.
Keeping sugar under control is very important to prevent all these problems.