Bike Tips: If the bike is not starting even after repeatedly kicking in winter, then start it with these methods

It is very cold in different areas of the country at this time. In such a situation, people are adopting many measures to get rid of it. Many problems related to bikes often come up in the winter season. It is often seen that the bike does not start early in the morning. In such a situation, people get very upset. Due to the bike not starting early, people get very late to go to office or any other important place.


Even after adopting many measures, when the bike does not start, then people are forced to take their bike to the mechanic. The mechanic charges more money to fix the bike. In this episode, today we are going to tell you about some special ways, with the help of which you can start your bike in the cold.

Use choke
If your bike is not starting in the morning during the winter season, then you can use choke. Using choke can start your bike in the morning. Using choke increases the mixture of oil and air in the engine.

Kick lightly two to three times

Before starting the bike, kick lightly two to three times. By doing this, oil starts circulating in the engine. This can start the bike easily.

Check the old battery

If the battery of your bike is very old, then in this situation also many times the bike does not start quickly. If this happens, you should show it to the mechanic once. If needed, you can also replace it.

Ride the bike regularly

If you keep riding your bike regularly in the winter season, then the engine remains warm. In such a situation, the bike starts quickly.

Check the spark plug

Many times the bike does not start due to the spark plug of the bike being damaged. In such a situation, it is important for you to check it.