Chandra Grahan Daan Samagri: Eclipse defect will be removed by donation after lunar eclipse, know the necessary donation material..

Chandra Grahan Daan Samagri: The Lunar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon, and many religious and spiritual beliefs are associated with it in Indian culture. As you mentioned, this time there will be a lunar eclipse on Holi on March 14, but this eclipse will not be visible in India, due to which its Sutak period will not be valid in India. Nevertheless, the eclipse period is not considered correct from the spiritual point of view, and it is advisable to chant special mantras at this time so that the Sun and Moon can be saved from being harassed by Rahu-Ketu.

Donation after a lunar eclipse also has special significance, and according to various religious beliefs, donating some specific items at the time of eclipse ends brings prosperity and happiness to the family. Let us know what items you should donate after a lunar eclipse.

Donation of clothes and milk: According to religious documents, donating clothes and milk, etc. after the end of the eclipse removes problems related to children and brings child happiness.

Donation of white items: It is considered important to donate white clothes, milk, sugar, etc. after the lunar eclipse. By doing this, the ongoing quarrels and troubles in the house are removed and the atmosphere of the house remains peaceful.

Donation of white pearls: If you are looking for a good job, then after the lunar eclipse, white pearls should be donated to a poor or helpless person. This remedy helps in getting success in the job.

Donation of silver coin and water: If someone in your house is ill for a long time, then on the day of a lunar eclipse, put water in a glass vessel put a silver coin in it, and show the face of the patient in that water. Then that water and coin should be donated. This remedy provides quick relief.

Donation of milk and rice (akshat): According to religious beliefs, the donation of milk and rice is considered a symbol of happiness, prosperity, and peace in life. Donating milk and rice after the lunar eclipse brings wealth and prosperity.

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