Lime benefits: If you ate lime for 15 days, you will be surprised to see its benefits. Eating lime eradicates 12 diseases from the root.

When the summer season begins, people like to include lemon in their diet. The favorite drink of many people is lemonade. This drink not only prevents you from getting dehydrated, but is also very beneficial for health. Lemons are rich in vitamin C, as well as nutrients like vitamins, fiber, protein, calcium, iron, sodium and zinc. But two types of lemons are available in the market, out of which choosing the right lemon becomes a bit difficult. In such a situation, let us know from Ayurvedic doctor Varalakshmi Yanamandra what is the difference between lemon and lime and what are the health benefits of eating them.


Benefits of Lemon 

Lemon tastes sour and sweet, which has a hot effect after digestion.

Lemon helps to stimulate digestion and increases appetite.

It is rich in vitamin C, which helps in increasing immunity power.

In Ayurveda, lemon consumption helps control Kapha and is beneficial in curing cough and cold due to its properties.

Lemon is also used in Ayurveda for detoxification, it helps cleanse the liver and blood and can aid in weight control.

Lemon is beneficial for people with Vata and Kapha types, but people with Pitta types should use it in limited quantities due to its slightly hot nature.

Lime is sour and astringent and leaves a cooling effect after digestion.

Lime is considered colder than lemon, making it beneficial in reducing heat in the body.

Lime generally helps balance the Pitta dosha due to its cooling properties.

It keeps digestion better by releasing digestive enzymes, without increasing pitta excessively due to its cooling nature.

Consuming lime can help reduce skin problems. Especially those problems that increase due to excessive heat or pitta, such as acne or skin inflammation.

Consuming lime helps to stop bleeding from the gums and cures the problem of mucus.

Both lemon and lime have an alkaline effect after digestion and it protects our body from autoimmune disorders and inflammation problems. Vitamin C is also found in high quantities in them, which is also beneficial for kidney stones and uric acid. In the summer season, you can also consume lime, which has a completely cooling effect. Although you can consume any of the two types of lemon according to your choice and need, but avoid consuming lemon on an empty stomach, as it can also have a bad effect on your digestion.