Tarot Insights: Changes you need to make in your LIFE NOW Before April-Guidance from Grand Master Tarot Reader & Healer Rudrakshi Rathour

This reading comes from the deck of Grand Master Tarot Reader and Healer Rudrakshi Rathour and hopes to help you in advance with the changes coming in your lives. 

If you are seeing this before April,  this is for you!!
It’s highly important for you to Let go of this situation now …

☘️This comes specially after the eclipse to convey to you that you need to LET GO of this situation now before it backfires and leaves you in a dilapidated state.

🌱You have been holding onto this person, situation or guilt or fear or baggage since quite some time, and this is what is pulling you back and not working in your favour.
You need to let go of these intense emotions and energies…

☘️This is strongly recommended for you -
🌱Pick your DoB

5 of Pentacles 
This comes specifically for you to let go of the feeling of lack and specially lack concerning your health or finances. Even if things have been tough for you and not working in your favour it’s your time to shake things up, stop looking down as if you are left alone in this world and are without any help! 
Start looking at the brighter side and change the outside environment by first bringing in positivity within you and look up to find your ⚓️ anchor, who can help you out of this situation or mess. 
Take the help or healing if required and the situation will start turning in your favour as you take the first step to change. If you just come in charge again to understand that things don’t always remain the same and very soon 🔜 things will change and start looking up, the lights brighter and more in tune 🎶 with you. 
☘️This needs to change now so start looking 👀 up 🆙 for yourself ! 

✨Affirm - I’m in positive control of my finances and health.

7 of ⚔️ swords
⚔️ You have been feeling as if someone is about to fleece you or you have been making plans to get the better of someone or some situation. You seem to be stuck in a situation and you can’t find a way out. 
⚡️This is a sign 🪧 for you to LET GO of these negative thoughts and plans as they are strictly not working for you. You have been jeopardising your own future and emotional stability.
🔜You will be caught, or be stressed about the whole situation and create a lot of worry and instability for yourself.
🌱If you have been having the stressful thoughts about someone trying to fool you, it’s better to stop these thoughts and release the root from where these thoughts started by healing, otherwise you may be actually in the process of creating a fleecing situation for yourself.
🪧Instead work on finding the correct way to come out of this situation which is ethically in your favour.

✨Affirm - “I attract, positivity and good energy into my life. I am in charge !”

About the Author - 
🍀 These Tarot Readings come from the deck of Ms. Rudrakshi Rathour who is a vibrant Tarot Reader, Healer and a Holistic Development Life Coach.
🍀This Guidance comes well in advance to prepare you for the different ways you can handle the situations which may arise for you in the near future.
🍀Working on your self is very important to lead a fulfilling and happy life and being aware is the first step. 
🍀The second step is to modify wherever required to reach your optimal level and healing from within helps you in levelling up your game. 
🍀I sincerely hope this resonates with you as it’s a collective reading and for more specific readings you can book a personal reading session with me. 
🍀Helping you to navigate through your ever changing life journeys with a lot of interest and pleasure in deciphering your life for yourself.

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📍 Instagram: @rudrakshi_readings