Parenting: How to make a child get used to doing his own work? Follow these easy tips! He will become self-reliant from an early age..
- byShikha Srivastava
- 23 Mar, 2025

Teaching Self-Care Skills To Young Children: Every parent wants their child to become self-reliant, but sometimes excessive help increases dependency in the child. If a 3-year-old child tries to wear shoes on his own and the parents immediately help him, then he will start taking their help again and again. However, if he is encouraged and patient, he can learn this skill himself. Children can learn to do their work from an early age if they get proper guidance. Here we are sharing some easy and effective tips, which will help children to become self-reliant.

Make children self-reliant from an early age in this way (How To Make Kids Independent From An Early Age)-
Start with small tasks – Give small tasks to the child in the beginning, like collecting their toys, keeping books in the right place, or keeping the plate in the sink after eating. This will motivate them to take responsibility.
Involve them in everyday tasks- Involve the child in your everyday tasks, such as taking help in folding clothes, watering the plants, or filling their water bottle. This will help them become self-reliant.
Instead of helping them, let them do it themselves- Often parents do even the smallest tasks of the children themselves, due to which they become dependent on them. Try to make the child learn to wear his shoes, prepare the bag, or dress himself.
Let him make mistakes, but give him a chance to learn- If the child makes a mistake while doing any work, then instead of immediately interrupting or correcting him, give him a chance to understand and correct himself. This will increase his confidence.
Praise and motivate- When the child does any work himself, praise him. This will boost his courage and he will be motivated to do more work.
Teach playfully- If the child is not taking an interest in any work, then teach him in a fun way. For example, you can make it a game to keep the toys in the right place or give a reward for getting ready on your own.

Be patient and give time- Every child is different, so he needs time and encouragement to become self-reliant. Be patient and gradually motivate them to do their own work.
If these tips are adopted, children will learn to be self-reliant from a young age and will grow up to become responsible people.
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