S@x Mistakes: These common mistakes made during s@x increase the risk of UTI, it is important to avoid them..

Many women have to face UTI i.e. urinary tract infection repeatedly. At the same time, many women get UTIs after sex. Now you must be thinking how is this possible? So let us tell you that there are many mistakes made during sexual activities, which increase the risk of urinary tract infection. During these activities, bacteria can be transferred to the urinary tract, due to which UTI problems can occur. In which symptoms like the unpleasant smell, discharge, itching, pain, etc. are seen.

Dr. Ruby Sehra, Principal Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shri Balaji Action Medical Institute Delhi, has told about some such sex mistakes, due to which women may have to face urinary tract infections. So let us know why this happens, as well as some important ways to prevent it.

Hygiene mistakes become the cause of urinary tract infections.

According to Dr. Ruby Sehra, "Sex mistakes can be a major cause of repeated urinary tract infection (UTI). If urination is not done before and after sex, then bacteria can go into the urinary tract and cause infection. Not taking care of cleanliness after sex, such as not cleaning the genitals properly or touching them with dirty hands, can also increase the risk of infection."

Unprotected sex can become the cause of urinary tract infections.

According to the expert, "Frequent rough sex can also cause swelling in the private parts, due to which bacteria can spread easily. Having sex without protection increases the risk of infection, especially if the partner already has an infection. On the other hand, if the partner does not maintain hygiene, then you can also get an infection."

There is a high risk of UTI during anal sex.

Dr. Ruby Sehra says, "A mistake like having vaginal sex again without cleaning during anal sex can also cause UTI. In this way, harmful bacteria can easily enter the urinary tract. I would recommend that you urinate before and after sex, take care of cleanliness, drink more water and if UTI is recurring, then consult a doctor immediately." Know how to prevent UTI after sex

1. Maintain personal hygiene: Maintaining personal hygiene, especially before and after participating in sexual activity, helps reduce the risk of UTI. Wash the vaginal area with warm water and a mild cleanser before and after sex. In this way urinary tract infection can be prevented.

2. Urinate before and after sex: The easiest and most effective way to prevent urinary tract infection is to urinate before and immediately after sex. Germs are expelled through urine. This practice can reduce the risk of developing a UTI to a great extent.

3. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water, this dilutes the urine and leads to frequent urination, which flushes out bacteria from the urinary tract. It is advisable to drink at least six to eight glasses of water every day.

4. Choose cotton clothes: Wear loose cotton panties after sex, this allows air to pass through, and the discharge is absorbed, reducing the risk of UTI.

5. Practice safe sex: Use condoms or other barriers during sex, this will prevent the transfer of infectious bacteria, which reduces the risk of UTI. Always practice safe sex in any situation.

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