Parenting Mistakes: These 5 mistakes of parents can break the trust of children, and create distance in relationships..

Parenting mistakes: The relationship between parents and children is based on trust and understanding. When children trust their parents, they share their thoughts openly and get the right guidance. But many times parents knowingly or unknowingly make such mistakes, due to which the children start losing trust in them. This emotional distance can weaken the relationship. By understanding the children and respecting their ideas, this relationship remains strong. Let us know about 5 such mistakes, that parents should avoid making, only then the trust of the children will remain.

Taking children's words lightly - When children share something with their parents and they are not taken seriously, they gradually start hiding their thoughts. By doing this repeatedly, the child feels that his feelings have no importance, due to which he can distance himself from the parents.

Repeatedly scolding and criticizing children- If parents scold or criticize children for every small mistake, then children start feeling insecure. Interrupting all the time and listening to negative things reduces the confidence of children and they start getting emotionally distant from the parents.

Making promises and forgetting to keep them- If parents repeatedly break promises made to children, it can weaken their trust. For example, if you promise something and do not fulfill it, the child will hesitate to trust you in the future.

Comparing children with others- Every child is different and has his characteristics. But when parents repeatedly compare their children with someone else, then the child may develop an inferiority complex. This not only affects their self-esteem, but they also start getting away from their parents.

Not respecting the personal boundaries of children- Children also have their thinking and boundaries. If parents do not respect their privacy, check their phones or diaries, or monitor their every move, children start to feel uncomfortable and may create an emotional distance from their parents.

If you want your child to talk to you openly and trust you, respect his feelings, try to understand him and avoid these mistakes.

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