Business Idea: Opening a Realme store has become easy, prepare the necessary documents, earn up to 10 lakhs every month..

With changing times, the craze for smartphones is increasing rapidly among the youth. It is believed that people can spend some time without ration, but not without a smartphone. In such a situation, many people want to earn good profits by taking distributorship of a smartphone company. On this subject, Local 18 has tried to know the process of taking distributorship of Realme company from Brajesh Mishra, distributor of three districts.

These documents are necessary for distributorship.

Brajesh Mishra is the distributor head of Realme in Aurangabad, Rohtas, and Kaimur districts. He said that lakhs of rupees have to be spent to get the distributorship of any mobile company. The company fixes a fixed price according to the area, at which distributorship is given. For this, first of all, the form for distributorship has to be filled out on the official website of the company.

Trade license, GST, and other documents are also necessary.
Brajesh Mishra said that business profiles, trade licenses, and GST are mandatory for the distributorship of a mobile company. After applying, it is verified, and if you are found suitable, the company contacts you. After this, a survey of your area is done, based on which the company decides the commission on the product. Also, the distributor has to list the local shops in his area, so that the demand for the product can be assessed correctly.

Investment of Rs 50 lakh

Realme distributor Brajesh Mishra said that the offers or discounts available on mobile phones are decided by the company. The company takes a commission or royalty of 2% to 10% on any mobile product. If a person wants to take distributorship of a mobile phone, then he has to invest about 50 lakh to 1 crore rupees. Up to 10 lakh rupees can be earned every month from this.

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