Parenting: Your child is going to school for the first time, know how to prepare them for it..

The month of July is going on which is known for the beginning of school. At the beginning of this month, children are seen walking around in school uniforms carrying bags. Some children step into school for the first time in these days. Is your child also going to school for the first time? In such a situation, you need to prepare the children for this. Many children are afraid of going to school, parents send them to school by force or by intimidation. This is not the right way. For this, you should try to arouse interest in school in the mind of your child by giving him the right information. Today in this episode we are going to tell you how to prepare a child to go to school for the first time.

Do give training

If your child is going to school for the first time, then he may have fear of the school environment in his mind. Therefore, try to drive away this fear from your child's mind. To reduce this fear, give training to the children before going to school. To give training, create a school-like atmosphere at home for a few days. Teach them to write occasionally, you can also teach them rhymes in the nursery.

Teach the child to take food on his own

Often when children go to school for the first time, their behavior is full of irritability and anger throughout the day. The reason is being hungry. Children are not able to change their habits suddenly. Most of the children are fed at home by their mother or father. After going to school, children are not ready to eat food by themselves or from the teacher's hands and get upset. Make children get used to taking food on their own at home so that they get used to it.

Start with playschool

Many children are not able to mingle with anyone except the family members and as soon as they are away from the family members, they become restless and start crying. If your child also has difficulty meeting strangers, then take your child to places like parks, and museums. There, introduce him to children of his age. If necessary, you can send him to playschool before school, so that he learns to make friends with other children and share his food and toys with them.

Talk to children

After getting the child enrolled and sending him to playgroup or school, it is also important to talk to the children. When the children return, talk to them a lot and also get information about how their day went in school. Along with this, ask what they liked in school and what they did not like. This will help you understand the mind of the children and by explaining to them right and wrong, you will be able to remove the fear from their mind.

Make a routine for the child.

Before sending the child to school, mold him according to the routine there. Make the child get into the habit of waking up early in the morning. Then after some activities for a fixed time, give the child something to eat and then make him sit at one place and play. Initially, children go to playgroups and there, instead of studying, the emphasis is on making the child habitual of going to school. If the child gets used to that routine already, then he will not face any problems while going to school.

Teach basic manners

Before enrolling children, teach them basic manners. Teach them to get permission from the teacher to go to the toilet and also explain the rules of the school. Also, teach children to talk properly with teachers and participants and not to quarrel.

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